How Do I View My Schedule?

Viewing Game information


Viewing Game Information

1. Sign in to your ArbiterSports account as an official on
2. If you are part of more than one assigning group, select any group to sign in to.

Note: You can access your full schedule from any group.

3. Click on the Schedule tab.

Set your filter. Don’t forget to click Apply Filter when you are done adjusting your filter options, which are described below.

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By default, your list view will include all of your upcoming assignments from each group. However, you can change which games are displayed using the Filter tool, located just above the game list. The four filters you can use to refine your list are:
  • Date: Choose to view games within specified time frames, such as future, past, this week, this month, etc.
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  • Group: Choose to view your assignments from All of your assigning groups or only from a specific group.
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  • Include: Choose to view only games, events, or all.
  • Paid Status: Choose to see which games have been paid through ArbiterPay and which games have not.

5. Choose your display. Your schedule page has four displays, which can be selected by clicking on the corresponding view in the display menu located on the left side. Below are descriptions of each display.

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  • List View –The default view, which displays the games in list order usually sorted by Date & Time. This is the only view where you can accept or decline games. List View will display the Game ID, Notes, Assigning Group, Game Status, Assigned Position, Date & Time, Sport & Level, Game Site, Home and Away Teams, Game Fees, and an Action column, which will include an Accept or Decline box for published games. To view additional details about the game, click on the Game ID number.  This view also allows you to see the contact information for partner officials who are also assigned to the game. Click on the site name to bring up directions to the game location via Google Map.
  • View By Day – Displays game information for a specific day. To toggle forward and backward through days, click the “Previous” and “Next” buttons, located just above the day information.
  • View By Week – Displays a seven-day schedule, starting on Sunday and ending on Saturday. To toggle forward and backward through the weeks, click the “Previous” and “Next” buttons, located just above the week information.
  • View By Month – Displays a one-month calendar view of upcoming assignments. Hover over any event to see the event details. You can click on games and events to see the details related to the event, including partner information.
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Use the legend to identify each event and the status of the event.

  • Block – a block has been created for this date. Hover over the block to see the Time, Notes, and Group associated with the block.
  • Accepted - games that have been accepted will show as green on your calendar
  • Not Accepted - games that still need to be accepted will show as yellow on the calendar. Games can only be Accepted/Declined from the List View display.
  • Game Conflict – Conflicting games on your schedule will be outlined in red. If two groups have assigned you to a game that conflicts with each other, you will only be allowed to accept one or the other, not both.
  • Canceled – A game that is canceled with be highlighted in red.
  • Event – Events are highlighted in a light orange shade. Events are non-game related.


You can print out a copy of your assignments, export your schedule to Microsoft Outlook, and view a report your declined and turned-back assignments.

Please click the link below to learn how:

Click here: Schedule Features for Officials


End of article content.

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