Create a Program - Student Registration

Creating a new program on Arbiter Registration is simple and only takes a few minutes. Follow our step-by-step directions below.

If you want to create a form similar to an already existing program on Arbiter Registration, we strongly recommend cloning your previous program. Click here for step-by-step instructions on CLONING.


Creating a New Program Instructions

1. Sign in to your Arbiter Registration account on and select Programs from the blue navigation bar at the top of the screen.

User-added image


2. Click the blue Create Program button to start the process.

User-added image


3. The new program wizard has eight steps. The first step is the (1) ‘Description’ tab where you will fill in some general information about your program. 

Note: Always choose the Save or Save and Continue button at the bottom of each step to save your progress.  Clicking through the tabs will not save your information.


4. After selecting Save and Continue you will be brought to the second tab where you can create your sports or sections for registration. Choose Create New Section, and input information into the required fields. 


Note: Additional information, such as 'Space limit' and "Active Dates" can help you further customize how you want your sections to appear in your program.




Then select the blue Save or Save and Continue button at the bottom of the page to save your information. 


If your program does not have payment for any section, make sure to select No Fee. This will remove pricing from all of your sections and mark each as having No Fee. 


5. At this step, you are able to create Add-ons, which are optional fields.  Add-ons are typically used for payment adjustments and these apply for the entire program. (for example: reduced lunch, an administrative fee, fee discount or a family price cap)


6. The next step is the (4) Participant tab, where you will choose which fields are needed in your registration form. Select the fields which you want to display on your registration form, then determine those that are required by checking on the Required checkboxes.

If there are additional fields that you need and are not listed here, you have the ability to create your own Custom Fields. Click a + sign associated with the field grouping to add a Custom Field.

When done, click Save or Save and Continue at the bottom of the page.


7. From the (5) Agreements tab you may create agreements that must be signed to participate in the program. Users can electronically sign Agreements to confirm their permission or approval. Policies are created for families/registrants to view prior to completing registration. Registrants do not need to sign policies.


8.  On the (6) Payment tab you can choose which payment methods you would like to offer. You have the ability to offer payment directly through Arbiter Registration (our payment processors are MySchoolBucks, Stripe, and PayPal) or Other Method payments (such as cash, check, or a third party payment processor). Choose Create New Payment Method and choose a payment method. Then input all required information. 

NOTE: Refund Instructions - If your program has any fees associated with it, please include information on how to request a refund.


9. On the (7) Discovery tab, you will have the option to put in information about the types of participants you are trying to attract. The fields on this tab are optional. When you are finished, click Save or Save and Continue at the bottom. The next step is to publish your program.

Under Display on Arbiter Registration, select Public to make it seen by anyone on Arbiter Registration. Marking your program as Private means that it is hidden from registrants on Arbiter Registration.

NOTE: If you set the Display and Open Registration = Open, you can give the direct link for someone to register without opening up the entire program.

Under Open Registration, select OpenOpen means that families are able to go in and register. Closed means that no participants are able to register for that program.

Under both Open Registration and Display on Arbiter Registration, you will be able to change the dates. This will tell Arbiter Registrationhow long to make the program Public and Open for registrations. 

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Approve and Save button to finish creating your program.


10. Now that your program is open, you are prompted to 'Tweet' the link to your form. Select Click to Tweet, which will open Twitter in a new tab. Log in to Twitter, and once logged in, a pre-populated tweet with the link to your form will display. If you would rather not 'Tweet' the link to your form, select the X in the top-right corner of the Click to Tweet window.


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