Pay Officials
Processing Fees
View Recently Paid
No ArbiterPay Account
Important Note: Before you can begin paying officials, first you will need to link your ArbiterPay account with ArbiterOne. Click the link below for instructions on how to link your accounts.
Linking ArbiterPay and ArbiterSports (Contacts)
Pay Officials
- Log in to ArbiterOne as a Contact on
- Click on the Schedule tab.
- Click on the Pay Officials link in the table (If there is not a "Pay Officials" link in the table, please reach out to your assigner to have a relationship set up with your school as the Bill-To).
On the Approve Payments page, check the Box next to each official you need to pay or select the Box next to the "Pay (0)" button to select all officials.
- If an official has a yellow caution symbol next to their payment, this means they do not have an ArbiterPay account. See the No ArbiterPay Account section below for further details.
Double check that the correct amounts to pay the official(s) are in the total column.
- To change the payment amount for the official, click on the three black dots on the far-right side. Three boxes for Game Fee, Travel Fee, and Per Diem will appear for you to enter the appropriate amount. After you enter or change the amount, the total will automatically update.
Enter your Security Key and ensure the correct ArbiterPay account number is listed. If this is your first time making payments, you will need to enter your school's or organization's TIN (Tax Identification Number) as well.
- Your school's or organization's TIN (Tax Identification Number) is required to pay officials. This ensures we are more accurate with payment transactions.
- To submit payment, click the Pay (#) button. The number in the parenthesis on the Pay button indicates how many payments you've selected. The total will be deducted from the ArbiterPay available balance and the officials that were selected will disappear from the Unpaid list.
Processing Fees
A processing fee will be charged per official per day.
- An official works three games all on the SAME day = 1 processing fee
- An official works three games on DIFFERENT days = 3 processing fees
View Recently Paid
In the top right-hand corner of the Approve Payments page, there are four options that contacts can use to filter payees:
- All - Provides you a list of all unpaid and paid officials.
- Unpaid- Provides a list of all unpaid officials.
- Paid - Provides a list of all paid officials.
- No AP Account - List of officials who do not have an ArbiterPay account.
You can use the Paid view to verify that an official was paid, the amount they were paid, and when they were paid.
No ArbiterPay Account
If an official has the yellow caution symbol
You can send an automated email to the officials by following these steps:
- Click on the No AP Account filter from the left side menu.
- Check the Box next to each official to email or select the Box next to the Email button to select all officials.
- Click on the Email button.
4. Click OK to confirm you want to send the email to the number of officials you selected.
5. A confirmation message that says "Message Sent" will show at the top of the page and an email will be automatically sent to all selected officials. You will be re-directed to the Unpaid Officials view.
The email that is sent can be seen below (Note: The name of the contact who is sending the email is automatically generated in the signature of this email):
Subject: [ArbiterSports] Sign Up for ArbiterPay
Email Body:
We use ArbiterPay to pay contractors and attempted to pay you today for services recently performed. You do not have an ArbiterPay account. In order to be paid, you will need to create an account. This can be done in just a few minutes using this link and registering an account.
--Athletic Director Name--
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