Paying Officials Individually in ArbiterPay

 This article covers how schools can pay officials individually via


1. Navigate to and log in to your account

2. Click on the Transfers tab on the right-hand side of the screen



3. Click the Enter button to the right of “Pay Officials, Personnel & Other ArbiterPay Users (Individual)”


4. Select the account number you are paying out of

-Note that there will only be one option for this if you do not have subaccounts tied to the main account.


5. Fill in the information per the official you are trying to pay

    1. Payee Username
    2. Payee Account Number

6. In the Transfer Details box, enter the amount to transfer and a description for the transfer if desired. You will need to enter your account’s Security Code to authorize the payment.

7. Click the Continue button in the bottom right.

8. A summary page will be displayed to verify the payment once more. If everything looks correct, click Submit. A confirmation of the payment to the official will appear above the send funds section.

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