Managing Injury Management Permissions for Users 

If your organization has the Injury Management Add-on, granting specific users access is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to enable Injury Management permissions.

  • Navigate to the Organization Tab:
    •  Head to the Organization tab on the platform to manage user permissions.
  • Update User Permissions:
    • Select an existing user or add a new user.
    • Customize their permissions according to your preferences.


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   - Note that Injury Management permissions are distinct from Student Registration permissions.

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  • Choose Permission Levels:
    • Decide if the user should have the ability to create, edit, and view or view-only access.
  •  HIPAA Compliance Acknowledgment:
    • When assigning Injury Management permissions, ensure the user has received proper HIPAA compliance training.
    • Acknowledge that they are authorized to view student injury data.
    • For more information on HIPAA compliance, visit .

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Once permissions are granted, the user's header will now include the "Injury Management" option.

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For details on inviting users to your account, refer to our guide on User Roles and Permissions.







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