How to Submit a Penalty Report | ArbiterSports Officials

This article will demonstrate how an ArbiterSports Official can locate Penalty Reports and submit them through the ArbiterSports platform.


Locate the Penalty Report Forms

How to fill out the Penalty Report

Add New Rows

Add Notes

Submit the Penalty Report

Verify the Penalty Report Submission


Locate the Penalty Report Forms

  1. Sign in to
  2. Sign in to your assigning association.
  3. Click on the Schedule tab.

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  1. Locate the game you want to add a penalty report to.
  2. Under the Notes column, click on the blue paper icon.

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  1. Under Penalty Forms, click on the appropriate penalty report hyperlink.


How to fill out the Penalty Report

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  1. Score
    • Enter the score for the Home and Away teams.
  2. Conference/League
    • The official has the option to enter the name of the conference or league, such as "Finals" or "Season League." If there is a specific name you need to enter, please contact your assignor for clarification.
  3. Overtime?
    • If the game went into overtime, you can click the checkmark to indicate that.
    • Once you’ve selected the Overtime box, enter the total overtime duration in the field labeled Total Time.
  1. No. of Extra Periods
    • Were there any extra periods? If not, enter "0." If there were extra periods, enter the number of additional periods.
  2. TV?
    • Checkmark this box if there was a TV time. 


Add New Rows

Enter the number of fouls that occurred during the game and click Add New Rows. The corresponding number of rows will appear below, and you can proceed to fill out the following details.

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  1. In the first column, you will need to indicate the period during which the foul occurred.
  2. Time Remaining
    • Enter the time the foul occurred before the game ended. 
  3. Team
    • Indicate the name of the team who committed the foul.
  4. Foul Called
    • Indicate the name of the foul or the foul code.
  5. Offense/Defense
    • Indicate if the foul occurred during an offensive play or defensive play.
  6. Player No.
    • Enter the player's number who committed the foul.
  7. Accept/Offset/Decline
    • Indicate whether the foul was accepted, offset, or declined. 
  8. Officials Calling (Positions)
    • Checkmark the Official who called the foul.
  9. Click Save

Add Notes

Adding notes is not required, but if you need to include any details about a particular foul that was called, you can click on the Notes icon and add a new note by clicking on the Green Plus Sign.

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Submit the Penalty Report

After saving the Penalty Report, there is one final step to complete: submitting the Penalty Report.

  1. Checkmark the Submit box.
  2. Click Save.



Verify the Penalty Report Submission

After submitting the penalty report, you can verify its submission by seeing a green "P" next to the game under your Schedule tab. Once the penalty report is submitted, the official cannot make any changes to it; however, they can still Add Comments.

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