Auto Linking Games

Auto link finds games to link by the date and site. If the games have the same date and the same site, it will assume they need to be linked given your parameters.

  1. To mass link games, first create a filter of all the games you want to link. If you need assistance creating a filter, please view our Filtering Games article.
  2. Check the boxes next to the games you wish to link.
  3. Under the Schedule tab, click on the Auto Link/Un-link option, located on the left side under Utilities.
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  1. Select Mass Link Games to link, select mass un-link games to un-link multiple game sets.
  2. Enter the maximum minutes between games (if the first game ends at 5:00 PM and the second game starts at 5:30 PM, you will want to enter 30 in your maximum minutes between games box).
  3. Enter the maximum # of games per link set preferred (if you are linking two games together, this number will be 2). Note: The maximum possible games that should be linked together should be indicated as the number of maximum games per link set. Depending on the game and site, the system may link less than the maximum. 
  4. Click process.
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Example: If you have entered 50 games in your schedule and realized that you didn't link the JV and Varsity games together, you can quickly update these games using the mass link feature. If the end time of the first game is 30 minutes before the start time of the second game, you will want to have the maximum minutes between games set to 30. Because you are linking JV and Varsity games, you will want to set the maximum number of games per link set to 2. This will link all of your JV and Varsity games together without you needing to link them individually.


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