Setting Up Self Assign (Assigner)

How to Turn On Self-Assign
How to Cascade Self-Assign to Existing Assignments

How to Turn On Self-Assign:


Under Sports/Levels/Positions

  1. Click on the Resources tab. By default, you will be directed to the Sports/Levels sub-tab.
  2. Click on the number of Levels on the right side next to the sport you wish to set up self-assign.
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  1. Click on the number of Positions next to the level on the right side.
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  1. Click on the edit pencil next to the position.
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  1. Check the box next to Self Assign. Click Save when you are done.
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Under Game Slots

  1. Click on the Schedule tab.
  2. Open the game Slots by clicking on the number in the Slots column on the far-right side of the game.
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  1. Click on the Edit Pencil next to the position.
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  1. Check the Self Assign box. Click Save.
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How to Cascade Self-Assign to Existing Assignments

Mass Update
Individual Update
Cascade Position

Mass Update (Update for all Slots in a game)

  1. Go to the Schedule tab.
  2. Filter for the Games that need to be marked as self-assignable. To learn more about how to create game filters, please view our Filtering Games article.
  3. After you have filtered your games, check the boxes to select the games.
  4. Click Update under the Utilities section on the left side.
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  1. Check the box next to Self-Assign.
  2. Click Update at the bottom.
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Cascade Position

  1. Click on the Resources tab. By default, you will be directed to the Sports/Levels sub-tab.
  2. Click Compare, located on the left side under Utilities.
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  1. On the far-right side, check the box under the Self Assign column for the desired sport, level, and positon to be marked as self-assignable.
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  1. Click on the Magnify Glass icon on the far-right side to cascade.
  2. Select All Slots if you wish to update all games of the selected sport, level, and position. If you wish to update specific games with a date range, uncheck the All Slots box and enter your date range.
  3. Select the items you want to cascade.
  4. Click Update.
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