After you have added officials, ranked officials, and added games to the master schedule, you can start to give out assignments to officials. When an assignment is given to an official, an email will be sent to notify them of the assignment and to login to review the assignment.
Assigning a Game
Mass Publishing Assignments
Unassigning an Official
Slot Color Definitions
Assigning a Game
- Go to the Schedule tab.
- Click on the slots number located on the right side of the game to open the game slots.
- Click on the blue Assign link next to the position you wish to assign.
Find the official that will be working the position you selected for this game. Select pending or published from the drop-down menu, and click Assign.
- Pending - Pending means that the assigner knows that this assignment will be given to an official, but the official does not know of the assignment until it has been published. This allows the assigner to make changes and move officials around before the officials are notified.
- Published – As soon as the assigner publishes the assignment, the official will be notified via email. It will contain the date that the assignment was published.
- Notified – When an official logs in to look at the assignment that he was emailed about and didn’t decide whether to accept it or decline it, the system will change it to Notified.
- Accepted – After the official accepts the assignment, it will change to accepted and include the date that the official accepted on the slot record.
Troubleshooting: Not seeing the official you need to assign to a particular game? Check out our "Why Can't I Assign Officials?" article for troubleshooting tips and tricks.
If you assigned any officials as pending, you will need to release the assignments to the officials by publishing the games.
Under the Schedule tab, filter for the games with officials assigned as Pending.
- Click +Add Filter at the top of the Schedule page.
- Optionally, enter the date range of games by clicking the drop-down next to Date of Game, select Between, and enter the start date and end date of the games you need to publish.
- Select "Pending Slots in Games" from the Slots drop-down menu towards the bottom.
- Click Get Results to filter the games and view the results.
- Check the boxes next to all of the games you wish to publish.
- Under the Utilities section located on the top left, click on the blue Publish link.
- Select a date that you want these officials to accept by.
- Click Begin Publish. A pop-up window will ask if you want to publish “x” amount of games with “x” number of pending slots. Click OK.
A summary of the number of slots published will be displayed. Click Exit to go back to the schedule page.
Assigners have the ability to remove or replace game assignments. If an official is already assigned to a game, you can unassign the official to open that slot for another official.
- Under the Schedule tab, go to the game that you need to unassign.
- Open the slots on the game by clicking on the slot number on the right side of the game.
- Click on the blue Unassign link.
You will be directed to the Unassign Official screen. You can choose to leave the date of the game for the official open, blocked, or mark it as a turnback assignment.
- Open – It will leave the date of the game open for the official if they receive another assignment.
- Block – This will make a full day block on the official’s schedule for that date of the game.
- Turnback – Choosing "Turnback" indicates that the official requested to be removed from an assigned game, and the assignor agreed to the removal.
* Allowing an official to Turnback an assignment is permission-based. Furthermore, if a block is created on an official's schedule after selecting the Turnback option, it is due to the assignor's Preferences. This automatic block can cause issues with self-assigning until it is removed.
The slot can be unassigned and be marked as self-assigned by clicking on the Allow the slot(s) to be self-assigned check box. If this assignment has been Published, you can notify the official and the contacts of the game's Bill-Tos of this change by clicking on the Email Officials check box and the Email Bill-Tos Contacts check box. After making your selections, click Unassign.
Slot Color Definitions
When viewing your games and assignments, you might notice the differently colored slots on the far right side in either green, yellow, or red. The color definitions below describe what these colors mean.
- Green - All slots on the game are assigned and have been accepted by the officials.
- Yellow - The game requires the official's attention OR the assigner's attention. If the slots are yellow, all slots on the game are assigned, but not all officials have accepted the game. It could also mean that one or more officials' assignments have not been published yet, such as in the example screenshot below.
- Red - The game requires the assigner's attention because there is a missing assignment and one or more of the positions needs to be assigned.
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