Reset Your Arbiter Password – Forgot Password

Reset Your Password
Spell Your Log in Credentials Correctly
Remove Auto-filled Passwords

Having trouble with your Arbiter Registration (formerly FamilyID) password? See this article: Arbiter Registration – How Do I Reset My Password?


Reset Your Password

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click on the SIGN IN button, located in the top right corner.
  1. Click the top SIGN IN NOW button under Arbiter.
  1. Click on the "Forgot Password?" link located below the password box.
  1. Enter the email address associated with your Arbiter account and select "Send Verification Code".


A verification code will be sent to your email inbox if an account exists for the email you entered. The code will expire 5 minutes after it is sent. You can resend the code if it's expired by repeating the steps mentioned above.

If the verification code email does not arrive within 60 minutes:
  • Try checking your email’s spam or junk folder if you’re not seeing the password reset email.
  • You can also try adding to your email contacts or reach out to your email provider to whitelist if you are not receiving emails from Arbiter.


  1. Copy the code from your email and paste it into the verification code box within Arbiter and click "Verify Code".


  1. Enter your new password in the "New Password" box. Enter your new password again in the "Confirm Password" box.
    • Passwords are case-sensitive. Password must be a minimum of 7 characters and contain at least one letter and one number.
  2. Click Continue. If the password reset is successful, you will receive a confirmation message.
  3. Sign in with your new password.

Spell Your Log in Credentials Correctly

Double check the spelling on the email address and password that you are entering to sign in to your account. It is easy to miss a letter or use a comma instead of a period when typing ".com".
If you’re an official and you forgot the email address that your account is under, your assigner can look up the email address that they added you with under the "People" tab in their group.

Remove auto-filled passwords

Many browsers have an auto-fill feature that will remember your login credentials for a website and automatically fill in your username and password for you. This can be helpful to make the login process quicker and easier, but can occasionally auto-fill an incorrect password. If you are using auto-fill and receive a message that your password is incorrect, try disabling auto-fill on your browser and manually type your password to ensure the password is being entered correctly.

If you still are unable to log in, you can contact our Customer Support Team for further assistance by phone at 1-800-311-4060.

Having trouble with your Arbiter Pay login? Click Here: Forgot Password - Arbiter Pay


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  • Comment author
    Kenneth Spencer

    I can't log in email or password 

  • Comment author
    Kenneth Spencer

    I  can't log in email or password 



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