Levels (Create, Edit, & Delete)

After you have created your sports, you can now add additional information to separate the different levels of competition within those sports. For example, for the sport of “High School Basketball,” you might have separate levels for “Varsity,” “JV,” and “Freshman;” whereas for a sport like “Pony League Baseball,” you might have separate levels for “Palomino,” “Colt,” “Bronco,” and so forth.

Creating Levels
Additional Level Settings
Editing Levels
Deleting Levels

Creating Levels

  1. After signing in to your Admin account on ArbiterSports.com, go to the Resources tab in your group.
  2. By default, you will land on the Sports page where sports, levels, and positions are managed.
  3. For each sport listed, there is a cell on the far right of the sport name which counts the number of levels already created for that sport. Click on that number, and you will be directed to the Levels page for that sport. If you recently created a sport and did not add levels yet, this number will be "0."

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  1. This will direct you to the Levels page for that sport. To add levels to your sport, click on the green plus sign (+) at the top of the Levels page.
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  1. You will be directed to the Add Level page, which is divided into six sections. For this part of the article, we will focus on the basics of setting up a level under the "Level Identification" and "Generic Level Settings" sections. The remaining sections contain advanced settings that are not required to be set up at this time. See Additional Level Settings below in this article to learn more.
  1. Under "Level Identification," enter a name for your level. Generally, you should use a level name that helps to differentiate from other levels within the same sport, such as “Boys JV” or “Girls Varsity,” or “Boys Pony” or “Girls Bronco.”
    1. *It is important to ensure each level is NOT combined. For example, you must create separate levels for Boys JV, Boys Varsity, Girls JV, Girls Varsity, etc. Combined levels, such as Varsity/Junior Varsity, are not allowed.
  1. The next sections you will see are "Game Related," "Payroll," and "Assigning Related." Skip past those settings for now and go down to the "Generic Level Settings."
  2. Under Generic Level Settings, select the Generic Level and Gender.
    • Generic Level Settings help our system connect your level with other data in the system, including teams and school accounts within our database.
      1. Generic Level (required): The options range from levels for professional, college, scholastic, youth and adult recreation leagues. (Note: The levels from Varsity on down to Kindergarten should only be used for interscholastic games, and not for club sports or recreation leagues. Instead, use “Youth” or “Other.”)
      2. Gender (required): Select the Gender for the teams that compete within this specific level. For high school assigners, please specify between Boys and Girls so that your level can directly coincide with the teams managed by Schools.
      3. Type (optional): List the type of seasonal play for this level, such as Preseason, Regular Season, or Post Season.
  3. At this point, you have entered the minimum information necessary to move on with creating your account. Click either one of the Save buttons on the right side at the top or bottom of the page.
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  1. You will be directed to your Levels page. To continue adding levels, repeat the steps above until all levels for your sport are set up.

After you create your level, you can begin setting up your positions. If you are ready to continue setting up your account, click here to begin setting up your Positions.

Please see the Additional Level Settings section below to learn more about other level settings.

Additional Level Settings

These are additional settings that you can turn on for increased interaction for your level.

Game Related:

  1. Min. and Max # of Slots: Once you add positions to your level, your minimum and maximum number of slots will automatically adjust accordingly. However, you can use the drop-down menus to set requirements for the mandatory minimum and maximum number of slots.
  2. Change # of Slots: When checked, this preference allows team contacts to designate the number of slots needed for games that they schedule if you have granted permission for them to do so. This preference is useful when individual teams may dictate whether or not additional officials are needed for a game. However, please note that they may not exceed the maximum number of slots that you have designated.
  3. Do not use team defaults on games: Check this box if you do not want the system to apply any team default settings related to this level on games. 

Check the box in this section if you wish to allow officials to post their own travel expenses on the game report for their games.

Assigning Related:
These are rules and parameters that will affect which officials are eligible for assignments to games at this level. If an official does not meet these requirements, then ArbiterOne will generate an issue code when assigning, explaining which rule conflicts with an official’s availability. The preferences on the left of the section directly influence all assigning. The preferences on the right, however, are only applicable when using the Auto Assign tool, and will be explained in the Additional Settings section of this article.

  1. Game Minutes: Total duration of the game, including timeouts and intermissions. Basically, the game minutes should include the entire time that you have booked the sub-site to play the game.
  2. Max Distance: This is the maximum one-way distance (in miles) that an official will be allowed to travel to a game. The distance is measured from the center of the official’s Travel Limits zip code to the zip code of the game site. If you don't want to set this restriction, leave it at default, which is 999.
  3. Max Games: This is the maximum number of assignments that an official may receive for this level of games. If you don't want to set this restriction, leave it at default, which is 999.
  4. Days/Game: This sets a time limit of the minimum number of days that must pass before an official may be assigned to another game at this level. If you don't want to set this restriction, leave it at default, which is 0.
  5. Days/Team: This sets a time limit of the minimum number of days that must pass before an official may be assigned to another game where the current home or away team is playing again. If you don't want to set this restriction, leave it at default, which is 0.
  6. Days/Partner: This sets a time limit of the minimum number of days that must pass before an official may be assigned with the same officiating partner at this level. If you don't want to set this restriction, leave it at default, which is 0.
  7. Speed: Sets a default driving speed (miles per hour) to help the system calculate the travel time necessary for an official to arrive at the game site from their location. Default speed is 55.
  8. Arrive Early: Sets a requirement for how early (in minutes) an official must be on-site before the start of the game.
  9. Max Games/Team/Year: This is the maximum number of games that an official can work for a team at that level within the current school year (July 1 through June 30).
  10. Auto-Assigning Priority:
    1. Rank: This setting tells the system to look at the rank of the officials and the rank range of the position. The system will not prioritize giving an even amount of assignments for all officials. It is going to put the first ranked available official on the assignment regardless of game counts for each official.
      • Note: If an official is ranked 999, the auto-assign program will not assign the official.
    2. Sport: This setting gives an even number of assignments to all officials within the sport. It is going to look at the total number of assignments that the official has in the sport and even-out the total number of assignments based on that number for each official
    3. Level: This setting works similar to the sport option. This setting gives an even number of assignments to all officials within the level. The system is going to look at the number of positions each official has in the level, and even-out the assignments based on that number for each official.
  11. The Auto-Assigning Order setting allows you to determine what days will be assigned first when running auto-assign.
    • If your most important games are on Friday, you can put "1" in the box for "F" to tell the system to start the assigning on Friday games instead of Monday.
  12. Direction: This tells the system what number to start with on the Auto-Assigning Order. If the setting is set to "Forward" it will start with the lowest number (1). If the setting is set to "Backward" it will start with the largest number (7).
  13. Crew Assign: You can select this if the games at this level will be crew-assigned, or you can individually mark the games as crew assign.

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Will-call Tickets is an inactive function and does not affect any other area of the system.


Editing Levels

  1. Go to the Resources tab in your group.
  2. On the Sports page, find the sport you need to edit the levels for. Go to the far-right side across from that sport and click on the levels number in the Levels column.
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  1. Click the edit pencil next to the level that you need to edit.
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  1. Edit the level information as needed. Refer to the Additional Level Settings section above in this article for more information on the different settings.
  2. Remember to click Save you're when done making changes.


Deleting Levels

Important note: Before you can delete a level, everything connected to it must be deleted first. Please follow the links to learn how to delete the necessary entities in the following order:
Delete Games - All games related to the level must be archived AND permanently deleted.
Delete Teams - All teams related to the level must be deleted.

After the entities listed above have been deleted, navigate to the Resources tab and go to the levels. On the Levels page, delete the level by clicking on the red "X" on the left side. Click OK to confirm.

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An alternative solution to deleting a level is by renaming it to "Do Not Use" by clicking on the edit pencil icon. The level will remain in the account, but the title will indicate that it should not be used. This option is only recommended as a short-term solution.



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