Student Registration - Using Tracking Fields

Once you've created your Tracking Fields, your attendance-enabled reports will include the assigned fields.

Important: Up to 8 Tracking Fields can be assigned to an attendance-enabled report. Once assigned, the fields will be available for use when taking attendance.

1. Log in to your Arbiter Registration Organization account and click the Reports tab and select Registrations.

User-added image


2. Attendance-enabled reports can be located by locating the attendance icon shown below:

3. To enable Event Tracking, select the drop-down menu next to Table View, and select EDIT/SHARE.

4. Scroll down to Report Settings and click Tracking Fields:


5. In the pop-box that appears, choose the Tracking Fields you would like to add to this report and hit  Save.


6. Scroll down to the Share Report area.  If applicable, make sure to share the report. Hit Save &View  to save changes and view the report. 


7. You will be brought back to the report. At the top of the page, hit the Attendance Sheets icon:


8. Select Take Attendance.


9. Name your Attendance Sheet and input event details if different from the current date/time. You can also provide notes for Attendance Sheets.


10. Tracking Fields are available for each registrant on the report.

Work your way down the Attendance Sheet and update the information as you go. The information provided is automatically saved. 


11. Once done, you can either hit Return to Attendance Sheets to view a list of your attendance sheets at the bottom of the report.


Or scroll up to Send absence notifications to registrants marked absent, if applicable.


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